Graduate Student pursing a PhD in Geography with an Emphasis in Demography from the University of California at Santa Barbara interested in health geography, geospatial analysis and spatial statistics. I am advised by Professor Susan Cassels. I am broadly interested in human and health geography, geospatial analysis and statistical approaches for problems in social sciences.
I'm a MA/PhD student in the Geography Department at the University of California at Santa Barbara pursuing a PhD in Geography with an emphasis in Demography, and advised by Professor Susan Cassels.
Prior to joining the department as a graduate student, I earned my Bachelor of Arts from UCSB in Geography, emphasizing in Geographic Information Sciences.
I am broadly interested in health geography, with a focus on spatial analysis, spatial statistics and modeling techniques. My research attempts to blend existing geospatial analysis techniques with human and health geography literature to design methodology expressly for the purpose of studying health from a geographic perspective.
Reid, S. C., Wang, V., Assaf, R. D., Kaloper, S., Murray, A. T., Shoptaw, S., Gorbach, P. & Cassels, S. (2023). Novel Location-Based Survey Using Cognitive Interviews to Assess Geographic Networks and Hotspots of Sex and substance Use: Implementation and Validation Study. JMIR Formative Research, 7, e45188.
Reid, S. C., Cassels, S., Murray, A. T., Kaloper, S., Wang, V., & Shoptaw, S. (2024). Patterns of Sexual Minority Men’s Lifestyle and Healthcare Related Activity Spaces in Los Angeles. Health and Place, manuscript pending review.
HIV Risk and Prevention Locations
My research primarily focuses on analyzing activity spaces for HIV risk and prevention among sexual minority men who have sex with men in Los Angles. Using a novel location based survey, we were able to gather locations of activities associated with HIV risk and prevention from which hotspots can be extracted.
Reproduction and Replication
Project with Professor Peter Kedron to reproduce and replicate the findings of Maldonado et al. 2022, "Identifying the Social Determinants of Treated Hypertension in New and Established Latino Destination States." Results will be made publicly available upon project completion.
Assessing Santa Barbara Residents Engagement in Wildfire Mitigation and Preparedness
I am currently working with the Wildfire Resilience Initiative and Professors Alan Murray and Stuart Sweeney to implement qualitative surveying to assess residential wildfire mitigation behavior and properness in Santa Barbara County. Using a variety of survey questions related to residential awareness of and exposure to risk determine if community risk influences community engagement in mitigation.